
前陣子愛上了愛爾蘭手創樂團The Script的音樂,起因是某個烹飪節目的片頭曲實在是太吸引人了,像電影預告片般的片頭加上充滿慵懶但又激勵人心的歌曲,就連我聽著聽著都想去當廚師了XD

後來搜尋了大把資料終於在我們親愛的維基百科看到了theme song的小小字樣,原本以為我期盼已久的「整首歌曲隨我聽」的願望可以實現了,沒想到居然不是上面寫的那首Hall of Fame!!! 這到底是怎麼回事~~


不過認識了這個樂團也算是頗有收穫,之後接連聽了好幾首他們的作品,意外地發現還蠻對我的胃口的,像是nothing、breakeven、if you ever come back,當然還有hall of fame,雖然是曾經讓我心灰意冷的歌曲,不過也還真的蠻好聽的。

總之,回來說說這首深得我心的歌曲The Men Who Can't Be Moved,除了歌很好聽以外,歌詞也充滿了畫面感,大致上是在說一個男孩在街角遇到了他心儀的女孩,雖然只有一面之緣,但他決定拿著睡袋露宿在街角的各種OS...他的出發點是怕如果女孩某天醒來突然想到了他,就知道能去哪裡找到他,光是這點就很浪漫了吧,仔細想想身邊有哪個人能做出這樣的事,至少安妮塔我是還沒碰過啦~不過這也是為何歌詞如此讓人置身於電影情節中了吧,因為實在是浪漫的有點不真實XD

除了滿足安妮塔小小少女心的需求,另外讓安妮塔喜歡的一點是歌詞非常有趣,像是他遇到路人丟錢給他時想的是I'm not... broke I'm just a broken hearted man,還有遇到路人對他指指點點時想的是There are no holes in his shoes, but a big hole in his world...天啊~想必寫詞的人有研究修辭學吧XD


Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag. I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am
Some try to hand me money they don't understand
I'm not... broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do
How can I move on when I've been in love with you... 

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

Policeman says son you can't stay here,
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year,
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

People talk about the guy
Whos waiting on a girl...
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world...

Maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,
And you'll come running to the corner...
Cos you'll know it's just for you

I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
[Repeat in background]

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I'm not gonna move.


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